Wellness Workshops Designed for Your Company
We are moving into a time where the paradigm of health is shifting from a strictly physical to a holistic model, with a deeper understanding and appreciation of how our emotional and mental wellbeing are imperative and require maintenance in order to maximize vitality, joy and personal success. While more educational settings are adapting curriculums that include these fundamental learnings, we still have ways to go in deeply embedding the importance of this model in our social sphere. As a mental health professional and an NLP Coach and Hypnotherapist, I believe that now it is more important than ever to empower ourselves and those close to us with a sense of awareness, resilience and personal responsibility to transform our lives for profound fulfillment. This is why I have created this series of Embodied Success Wellness Workshops, aimed to support this paradigm shift and extend the impact of my work to a greater audience!
Package Options
All packages come with accountability worksheets.
Toe Dipper
Single Workshop of your choosing. Choose 1 workshop that speaks to you the most, and experience first hand simple yet powerful transformative tools. $650 (Does not include Self Leadership Workshop)
3 workshops of your choosing. This package is designed to offer 1 workshop per month for 3 months. $1500
Deep Diver
7 workshops, 7 experiences that build on each other to break open your world view and shift you into reclaiming power over your mental and emotional state! $4000
Choose Your Workshop
A staple and probably the most requested workshop on the roster. This 1 hour seminar is all about removing the mystery of stress through exploring HOW our nervous system works, WHY it is activated and often overactive, and addresses WHAT we can do to ensure we are taking care of ourselves in a way that promotes and nourishes our physical, mental and emotional body. This workshop is experiential and allows the participants to FEEL, in real time, the healing tools and techniques that are easy enough to be incorporated into their every day life.
Are you looking to create strong authentic connections with others, while breezing through misunderstandings and conflicts with the confidence you've always wanted? Then this communication workshop is designed for you! We will do a deep dive into the inner workings of our subconscious patterns of communication, and discover new frameworks through which we can shift our ability to relate to others with ease and intentionality. This workshop will truly change the way you experience your relationship with others and give you tools to create rapport and intimacy across all areas of your life.
EQ has been a topic discussed more so in the recent years with the rise of mental health advocacy and awareness. In this workshop, we take a close look at why emotional intelligence is considered to be the key component of life satisfaction and offer a variety of concrete and accessible tools to develop this unique sense which allows us to experience a new depth of meaning in our relationship to self and others.This workshop is a must if you are looking to address diversity and equality goals or gaps within your organization, and is best offered in tangent with the Communication Workshop.
Setting goals may be easy, but achieving them can prove to be a challenge for many. This is because our conscious mind is only the goal setter while it is the unconscious mind that is the goal getter. This workshop is designed to guide the participants in setting their goals intentionally, and provides tools to tap into and program the unconscious mind to work towards achieving those set goals without having to go through the stages of procrastination and/or self sabotage that many of us are so used to.This workshop is a true gamechanger for those who feel stuck in their patterns or circumstances and are looking to get more control over their life!
This workshop is designed for all levels of meditators!
Meditation and Mindfulness, two of the three pillars of Nirvana, have become well researched and evidence based practices for improving focus, motivation and self acceptance. This workshop is all about demystifying this ancient way of living to empower every participant to begin or up level their personal journey! This hour is highly experiential - expect feelings of bliss, joy and deep psycho- emotional relaxation.
The workshop that brings it FULL CIRCLE.
How would you feel if you knew everything in life was happening for you and not to you? Would it make challenges easier to move through? Would it change your perspective on the things around you and your attitude towards them?
This 2 part seminar will have you step into your ultimate power - self leadership and accountability.
True personal freedom comes from the act of claiming our experience fully through commitment and action, to examine and shift out of our limiting beliefs and into our full potential.
No, this isn't magic! This is the power of the unconscious mind - the limitless resource that stores all of our learned experiences and translates them into our reality.
This workshop will be an immersive experience that puts you into the driver seat of your life - through psychoeducation, experiential skill building and transformational frameworks.
*Due to the transformtive and personal nature of this workhop, I reccomend no more than 50 participants in each session
In addition to the workshops listed above, I tailor the program to fit the specific needs of your organization ranging from one hour lunchtime workshops to ongoing wellness programs that include education, skill training and guided exercises.
If you are interested in finding out more, please click below and schedule a discovery call with me.
These workshops are available in person, all over Ontario and virtually!